Dal fy llygad dal heb ŵyro

(Hiraeth am fwynhâd o Dduw, a byw iddo.)
1,(2,3,4,(5));  1,2,5,6,7.
Dal fy llygad, dal heb ŵyro,
  Dal ef ar d'addewid wir;
Dal fy nhraed heb gynnyg ysgog
  Allan o dy gyfraith bur;
    Boed d'orch'mynion,
  I mi'n gysur ac yn hedd.

'Cheisiais, Arglwydd, ddim ond hyny,
  Treulio nyddiau hyd y bedd,
I dy garu a'th ryfeddu,
  Ac ymborthi ar dy hedd:
    Dyna ddigon;
  'Cheisiaf 'nabod
        dim ond hyn.

O! darfydded imi garu
  Unrhyw bleser îs y ne',
A darfydded im fyfyrio
  Ar un gwrthddrych yn dy le:
    Aed fy ysbryd
  Oll o'i fron yn eiddot ti.

Os rhaid dwyn y groes dymmhestlog,
  A'r cystuddiau sydd o'i hol,
O! gâd i mi, Iesu, orphwys
  Yna yn dy gynnes gôl:
    Yn mhob cystudd,
  Dwg fy meichiau oll dy hun.

Os agori di fy llygaid,
  I gael gwel'd y cariad llawn,
Lifodd allan fel y moroedd,
  Ar Galfaria un prydnawn,
    Ti gai'r cwbl,
  Roddaist i mi yn fy rhan.

A all y llesgaf nesu attat,
  A chael etto dy fwynhau,
Heb un gorchudd ar dy wyneb,
  Nac un gŵg i'm llwfrhau?
    Dyma'r nefoedd,
  Wyf am gael tu yma i'r bedd.

Mi ddisgwyliaf doed a ddelo,
  Deued bore, deued nos,
Deued corwynt a themhestloedd,
  Nes cael profi
        gwaed y groes,
    Gallu'r nefoedd,
  Tyr'd i wared, dyma'r awr.

             - - - - -

Dal fy llygad, dal heb wyro,
  Dal ef ar dy addewid wir;
Dal fy nhraed heb gynyg ysgog,
  Allan o dy gyfraith bur:
    Boed d'orch'mynion,
  Imi'n gysur ac yn hedd.

Os agori di dy fynwes,
  I gael gwel'd y cariad llawn,
Lifodd allan fel y moroedd,
  Ar Galfaria un pryd nawn;
    Ti gai'r moliant,
  Ar y llawr ac yn y nef.

           - - - - -

Dal fy llygad, dal heb wyro,
  Dal ef ar d'addewid wir;
Dal fy nhraed heb gynyg ysgog
  Allan o dy gyfraith bur:
    Boed d'orch'mynion,
  Imi'n gysur ac yn hedd.

Mi feddyliais yn y boreu
  Buaswn, amser maith cyn hyn,
Wedi maddeu fy mhechodau,
  Ac yn canu ar Sïon fryn:
    Swn y rhyfel
  Ydyw'r lle 'rwyf eto'n byw.

Mae rhyw hiraeth yn fy nghalon
  Am ddiengu o dwrf y byd -
Gwel'd y dyddiau colla'i 'ngolwg
  Ar bob tegan ynddo 'nghyd;
    Cael ymborthi
  Fyth ar sylwedd pur y nef.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [878747]: Bryn Calfaria (William Owen 1813-93)

  Arnat Iesu boed fy meddwl
  Cheisiais Arglwydd ddim ond hyny
  Darfu noddfa mewn creadur
  Dysgwyl ('r)( )wyf ar hyd yr hir(-)nos
  Llawn euogrwydd llawn o ddychryn
  Mi feddyliais yn y bore

(Longing for the enjoyment of God, and to live in him.)
Keep my eye, keep without veering,
  Keep it on thy true promise;
Keep my feet from trying to shift
  Out of thy pure law;
    Let thy commands be
  To me comfort and peace.

I have not sought, Lord, anything but this,
  To spend my days until the grave,
To love thee and wonder at thee,
  And to feed on thy peace:
    That is sufficient;
  I shall not seek to know anything but this.

Oh may I cease to love
  Any pleasure under heaven,
And to cease to meditate
  On any object in thy place:
    May my spirit go
  All from before it as belonging to thee.

If I must bear the tempestuous cross,
  And the afflictions which follow it,
Oh, let me, Jesus, rest
  There in thy warm bosom:
    In every affliction,
  Bear all my burdens thyself.

If thou open my eyes,
  To get to see the full love,
That flowed out like the seas,
  On Calvary one afternoon,
    Thou shalt get the whole,
  Thou gavest to me as my portion.

Can the weakest approach thee,
  And get yet to enjoy thee,
Without any cover over thy face,
  Nor any frown to dishearten me?
    Here is the heaven,
  I want to get this side of the grave.

I am waiting come what may,
  Come morning, come night,
Come hurricane and tempests,
  Until getting to experience
      the blood of the cross,
    The power of heaven,
  Come to deliver, this is the hour.

                 - - - - -

Keep my eye, keep it from veering,
  Keep it on thy true promise;
Keep my feet from trying to shift,
  Out of thy pure law:
    May thy commandments be,
  To me comfort and peace.

If thou open thy bosom,
  To get to see the full love,
That flowed out like the seas,
  On Calvary one afternoon;
    Thou shalt get the praise,
  On earth below and in heaven.

                - - - - -

Keep my eye, keep if from veering,
  Keep it on thy true promise;
Keep my feet from trying to shift
  Out of thy pure law:
    May thy commandments be,
  To me comfort and peace.

I thought in the morning
  I would, a long time before this,
Have my sins forgiven,
  And be singing on Zion hill:
    The sound of the war
  Is the place where I am still living.

There is some longing in my heart
  To escape from the tumult of the world -
To see the I would lose my view
  Of every trinket in it altogether;
    To get to graze
  Forever on the pure substance of heaven.
tr. 2015,22 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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